Rhode Islanders are free to choose electricity from a wide variety of competing companies. Some of these offer lower rates, while others focus on greener energy or long-term price stability as their key selling points. The state's first CCA program launched in May of 2023, with 7 communities participating.
communities with Local CCA Authorization
active CCA community
inactive CCA communities
MWh of annual load (expected: 2023)
statewide population participants
total customer
-year electricity
supply contracts
Use this interactive map to explore CCA communities across Rhode Island.
Use your mouse to zoom in and click on flags for more information.
As quoted from a local advocacy group, the new programs that launched in 2023 are expected to “produce a 22% increase in the amount of wind and solar in the mix” (Green Energy Consumers Alliance, 2023), spurring development of new renewable energy resources.
Newport Community Energy, when launched in May, has 3 electricity options: 100% renewable, 50% renewable and an option with only the minimum amount of renewable energy required by state law for those seeking the lowest cost. Rates will be fixed over an initial six-month period from May through November 2023.
RI Energy Aggregation Program (REAP is the aggregation program organized by the RI League of Cities and Towns to supply electricity for municipal operations. It does not aggregate purchases for residents or businesses)
RI Public Utilities Commission
CCA-Enabling Legislation: HB 7786
US Energy Information Administration, Rhode Island State Energy Profile
Westerly mulls joining energy aggregation program. The Westerly Sun, March 18, 2024
City of Providence Announces Winter Rates for Providence Community Electricity Program. Providenceri.gov, September 28, 2023
Bristol Latest Municipality to Start Community Electricity Aggregation Plan. ecori.org, October 16, 2023
Newport, Portsmouth announce rates through Community Electric program. What to expect. newportri.com, September 28, 2023
Middletown Looks to Alternate Electric Rate Plan. Newportthisweek.com, August 15, 2023
Community Electricity Program to start in seven Rhode Island municipalities. turnto10.com, March 21, 2023
Amid rising energy costs, R.I. cities and towns look to buy their own electricity. pbn.com, September 28, 2022
Newport is mulling a new bulk energy supplier. Here's what you need to know. The Newport Daily News, July 27, 2021
Rhode Island Approves First Aggregation Plans Covering Over 80,000 Households. patch.com, May 28, 2021
CCA was enabled in Rhode Island through the Utility Restructuring Act of 1996. The Act was amended in 2002 by House Bill 7786 to give municipalities the ability to set up “opt out” programs. Before 2002, less than 1% of customers had chosen alternative electricity providers.
The Rhode Island League of Cities and Towns administers the RI Energy Aggregation Program (REAP), which has served as the electricity aggregator to many League members for more than twenty years. The program has used the collective purchasing power of Rhode Island cities and towns to negotiate lower electricity rates and provide budget stability. REAP also provides other advisory services, including energy market analysis, green power procurement, energy efficiency options and solar projects.
The League has a joint REAP service agreement with Constellation New Energy and PowerOptions, a nonprofit consortium that provides energy purchasing, advisory and support services to New England nonprofit and public sector members.
CCA in Rhode Island took a major step forward with the passage of Senate bill 877, which passed in special session September 19th, 2017, and House bill 5536 which passed June 1st 2017.
This legislation was brought by Representative Deborah Ruggiero, and supported by green power advocates People’s Power & Light (a partner group with Mass Energy Consumers Alliance MECA), the Environmental Council of Rhode Island, and the New England Clean Energy Council (NECEC), a clean energy business association. This bill is described as removing procedural hurdles that previously prevented the implementation of aggregation in Rhode Island, and aligning Rhode Island’s aggregation law more closely with the law in neighboring Massachusetts, under which 136 communities now have such programs.
H 7786 (2002) had previously required that opt-out aggregation would require a vote by the electors of the community (see lines 14-11 through 14-15), not by the governing body of that municipality or township. H 5536 (2017) removes that roadblock to aggregation, eliminating the provision that requires individual customers to opt in to the aggregate purchase. Instead, it creates programs in which all customers in the contract area are included unless they opt out. Opting out, however, must be allowed at least every two years and without penalty.
Rhode Island launched it's first CCA program in May, 2023 with seven communities participating: Providence, Barrington, Central Falls, Narragansett, Newport, Portsmouth and South Kingstown. The program's automatic rate is approximately 9.4 cents per KWh for May through November. Rhode Island Energy's proposed summer rate is currently about 10.4 cents per kilowatt hour pending approval by the Public Utility Commission.