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  • States Under Consideration | LEAN Energy US

    ARIZONA In early 2022, a move to repeal Arizona’s “energy choice” bill (HB 2101) was introduced, written by Salt River Project and backed by all of the state’s IOUs. The bill passed and repeals the existing energy competition statute. Legislators have agreed to form an energy taskforce to get up to speed on the changing energy market and other viable structures for competition, the changing grid and distributed energy, etc. LEAN is working with advocacy groups in the state on trying to get a seat at that table. ​ In April, 2022, a coalition of climate action groups have drafted a sign-on letter compelling the ACC to open a docket to study CCA, and Prima County may be considering a pilot program. COLORADO In January, 2021, Colorado Governor Jared Polis presented a new plan to reduce greenhouse gas pollution with a goal of reaching 100% renewable energy by 2040. ​ In April, 2021 HB21-1269 was introduced by Colorado State Rep. Edie Hooton (D-Boulder) which directed the state’s Public Utilities Commission to study the feasibility of CCA. I n January, 2022, the PUC opened a CCE investigatory docket, proceeding number 22I-0027E , entitled "Study of Community Choice for Wholesale Electric Supply”. The Commission invited input from interested parties on the 23 questions and topics that are specified in the bill plus about a dozen additional questions added by the Commission, all of which were aimed at determining how CCE might work best in Colorado if it was implemented by the legislature. LEAN's initial comments submitted on March 1, 2022 can be viewed HERE , reply comments submitted on April 15, 2022 HERE . In early March, 2023, CCA-enabling legislation was drafted and unfortunately did not get approved for "late bill status". ​ As of August 1, 2023, the CCA bill has sponsorship and is being drafted. More detail and updated information can be found on this webpage: ​ Note: Colorado advocates and bill drafters are using the term "Community Choice Energy" or "CCE" rather than "CCA" ​​ ​ MICHIGAN The City of Ann Arbor is leading the CCA efforts in Michigan and is working with local legislators to draft legislation that they hope to see introduced “in the near future” (see January, 2021 article HERE ). ​ In the News: Ann Arbor to lobby Michigan legislature for power to choose electricity sources ., January 14, 2021 DTE Energy raises concerns about Ann Arbor’s plan for 100% renewable energy ., June 3, 2021 Power outages lead to renewed talks of creating public electric utility for Ann Arbor ., August 24, 2021 DTE Energy hopes Ann Arbor nixes idea of creating its own electric utility ., August 24, 2021 NEW MEXICO Working with Public Power New Mexico, the state made a run unsuccessfully at enabling legislation in Quarter 1 of 2023 (3rd time). LEAN continues to support Public Power New Mexico in 2023 as they convene a working group to study CCA and hopefully re-introduce legislation in 2024. PENNSYLVANIA Currently there is a team of 9 community, CCA, legal, and solar industry experts working on establishing CCA in Pennsylvania. The group consists of individuals from REIV2G Network, Sierra Club of Pennsylvania, Ready for 100, Joule Community Power, PASSIA, Philadelphia Solar Energy Association, eco(n)law and Earthjustice. The team has identified 3 possible pathways to CCA-enabling success: Legislative, regulatory and existing borough statute. The team has decided to forego the legislative path for now due to political challenges, and focus on regulatory and existing borough statute. The regulatory pathway was at first not a consideration due to the possibility that an opt out CCA program would be violating existing legislation, however it has been recently discovered that if the regulatory submission can prove that a CCA program would be in the public interest, the PUC could approve the program. The borough pathway could also be successful because of a statute in the state that allows boroughs to purchase electricity on behalf of their residents, developed decades ago. This statute, however, was not intended to use for CCA, so the team is currently looking deeper into how it could work. ​ More details and regularly updated information can be found HERE . HOW DOES A STATE GET A CCA? We’re often asked “What do you look for when considering CCA in a new state?” “Where does it work best?” The truth is, there’s no single answer nor is it always a straight path to CCA adoption. Why? Because regulatory frameworks, electric power markets and policies/politics are very different around the country. ​ Let’s start with some basic context. At the 50,000 foot level, the US operates within 10 electric power markets and 3 regulatory frameworks[1]: ​ Regulated/Un-Restructured – Vertically integrated investor-owned utilities (IOUs) are the sole source provider of both electric/gas generation and transmission services. It’s a one-stop shopping monopoly model with guaranteed rates of return, centralized oversight and no market competition or customer choice. Over half of US states operate in fully regulated energy markets including WA, UT, AZ, MN and FL. De-regulated/Restructure d – In restructured states, the utility function has been split to allow for electric (and in some cases, gas) supply to be provided by retail energy suppliers on a competitive basis. The utility gets out of the power generation business and is a “poles and wire” company providing power transmission, distribution, line maintenance and some programs. Examples of deregulated/restructured markets are TX, NY, MA and IL. Partially De-Regulated – These states maintain a vertically integrated utility structure but allow some customer classes, usually large commercial and industrial, to access the wholesale, competitive market to procure power for their load. Small commercial, municipal and residential accounts continue to be served on a regulated, monopoly basis by the IOU. Examples of partially de-regulated states are: CA, OR, NV, MI and PA, VA. ​ CCAs are authorized at the state level in one of two ways: 1) through State legislation or 2) through regulation. Of the states in which CCA currently exists, six are de-regulated (IL, OH, MA, NY, RI, NH and NJ), two are partially de-regulated (CA and VA), and zero are in fully regulated states… although we aim to change that. Please see our “What is CCA” page for links to state statutes/enabling legislation. WHAT ARE THE CONSIDERATIONS? Although there are some similarities depending on which electric power market a state operates in, each state has differences including existing regulations, state energy policies, political leadership and customer base. That said, we’ve identified 5 considerations when determining where CCA might work best [2]: Partially deregulated or restructured energy market States with aggressive renewable portfolio standards (RPS) and other clean energy goals Legislative or public action to explore electric competition and/or greater use of clean power (e.g. NV’s 2018 Energy Choice Initiative; Oregon’s SB 978) Local government interest in CCA Electric rates and customer dissatisfaction with incumbent utility INFORMATION RESOURCES Regulated and Deregulated Energy Markets ​ Deregulated Energy States & Markets (Updated 2020) ​ FERC: Electric Power Markets, National Overview ​ CCA: A Community Tool to Boost the Economy and Green the Grid , LEAN presentation in Colorado, March, 2019 ​ CCA For PA Website ​ , LEAN defines ‘best’ as CCA programs that have a triple bottom line: more customer choice, more affordable rates, more clean power. STATES UNDER CONSIDERATION Arizona, Colorado, Michigan, New Mexico, Pennsylvania​

  • What We Do | LEAN Energy US

    WHAT WE DO LEAN advances the vision of a clean energy America in everything we do. Our mission to support the expansion of clean energy CCAs is carried out through initiatives and activities that are both responsive and proactive. Whether that’s getting the word out through presentations and the media, serving as a subject-matter expert, protecting CCA interests at legislatures and public utility commissions, or sharing ideas and best practices… If it’s about CCA, that’s where you’ll find us. We are here to help! Here are some of the services we provide* *Access to data with state-by-state information, contacts, and resources ​ ​ Technical and strategy support for new states interested in authorizing CCA Periodic bulletins and action alerts to our network of over 3,500 organizations, vendors, NGOs and other allied organizations White paper review/CCA editorial services ​ ​ *Monthly Federal Funding Opportunity reports CCA presentations before a variety of audiences Support for local governments considering CCA *Presentation and networking opportunities before a wide audience of CCA stakeholders Fiscal sponsorship of emergent programs focused on clean energy CCA launch and/or expansion Content-rich website ​ ​ Informative quarterly CCA webinars *With annual membership If you’d like to learn more or “plug in” to some or all of these services, please contact us at . TESTIMONIALS

  • Illinois | LEAN Energy US

    Community Choice is called Municipal Electricity Aggregation (MEA) in Illinois. MEA became wildly popular from 2011 to 2013 because it offered very significant savings to customers. When savings largely disappeared in 2014-15, many MEAs ceased operations, however from 2016 on, MEAs have been re-launching and/or forming with favorable pricing. In 2023, Illinois has almost 400 communities with active MEAs and a strong base of political support. 746 communities with Local CCA Authorization 379 active CCA communities 367 inactive CCA communities 7,807,000 MWh of annual load (2022) 14 % statewide population participants 734,000 total c ustomer accounts 6 to 36 -month electricity supply contracts Use this interactive map to explore CCA communities across Illinois. Use your mouse to zoom in and click on flags for more information. HISTORY Municipal electricity aggregation in the Illinois operates in a competitive retail environment. A functional separation between power generation and power delivery has existed since the 1990s. Municipalities or individual customers are able to sign contracts to buy power from licensed Alternative Retail Energy Suppliers (ARES). However, before the introduction of MEA, few residential customers took the trouble to switch to electricity from alternative suppliers. ​ As in other Community Choice states, Illinois’ large utilities – ComEd and Ameren Illinois – continue to handle power transmission and distribution, line maintenance and customer billing. Because the retail market was already open, the utilities expressed no opposition to the introduction of municipal aggregation. ARES companies supported the introduction and growth of MEA because it reduced their customer acquisition costs. ​ Most CCA communities in the state contract with a consultant to choose the energy supplier during the procurement process. After that, the supplier is in charge of managing the program. It is a shared effort between the local government’s staff, the energy supplier, and the aggregation consultant. ​ In 2012-13 Illinois was the fastest growing community choice market in the nation. The growth was caused by MEAs initially having a pricing advantage of as much as 3 cents/kWh over the incumbent power suppliers. MEAs offered rates of about 5 cents/kWh at a time when ComEd was charging about 8 cents/kWh. ​ Capping this period of heady growth, Chicago voters approved a referendum in November, 2012 to launch an MEA, making it by far the largest US city to embrace community choice. More than 70% of residential and small commercial customers in ComEd’s service region were enrolled in MEA in late 2013. ​ By the middle of 2014 more than 720 Illinois communities had formed MEAs; however, in the second half of 2014 the price advantage that MEAs had enjoyed began to erode and, in some cases, became a price disadvantage - the two large investor-owned utilities were able to obtain cheaper electricity supplies and lower their rates. Consequently, approximately 100 MEAs (including Chicago in 2015) returned their customers to bundled service provided by Ameren Illinois and ComEd. (Doing this did not terminate the existence of an MEA. It essentially suspended the MEA so that it could be restarted if conditions changed, and no new referendum would be required to do so.) ​ By 2016 many MEA programs were once again able to sign contracts with suppliers that offered a slight price advantage (up to 1 cent/kWh) over utility prices to their customers, which stemmed the decline in the number of MEAs. ​ As of May, 2022, Illinois has more communities that have enabled CCA, whether their program is active or not, than all other states combined. To date, 746 communities –including counties, cities, townships, towns, and villages– have enabled a CCA local law, of which, 379 were active as of May 21, 2022. ​ The average CCA rates in Illinois have recently become more attractive in large part because many CCA communities initiated two-year electricity supply contracts at a time when electricity rates were low. FAST FACTS Illinois has more political jurisdictions participating in aggregation programs than all other states combined. ​ According to the US Environmental Protection Agency, 44 of the top 100 Green Power Partnership communities are in Illinois Although rate savings have always been the primary impetus for MEA formation in Illinois, some municipalities have prioritized purchasing electricity generated by renewable resources, particularly wind energy. Other cities – perhaps as many of half of Illinois’ MEAs — purchase energy from coal, nuclear and combined cycle gas plants, but offset the associated greenhouse gas emissions by purchasing unbundled renewable energy certificates (RECs). A recent poll conducted in April, 2019 shows that a super-majority of Illinois residents want to be able to choose their energy supplier, choose clean energy, and want more renewable energy in the Illinois power system. The Illinois Renewable Energy Investment Act SB 316 and HB 1747 , passed in 2021, was a sweeping energy regulation overhaul that aims to phase out carbon emissions from the energy sector by 2045 while diversifying the renewable energy workforce. Included in the bill is a mandate to close fossil fuel plants between 2030 and 2045, depending on the source and carbon emissions level, subsidizes three nuclear plants with $694 million paid over a period of five years, and increases subsidies for renewable energy by more than $350 million annually. The Electric Service Customer Choice and Rate Relief Law of 1997 significantly restructured the Illinois electric industry and provided a transition to competitive retail markets. It allowed alternative retail electric suppliers (ARES) to compete against each other and the utility to service customers. Customer choice was phased-in starting in October, 1999 for commercial and industrial customers and in May, 2002 for residential customers. The Illinois Commerce Commission was charged to promote the development of an effectively competitive electricity market. CCA (a.k.a. MEA) PROGRAMS STATE AGENCIES Plug In Illinois (list of communities) ​ CCA POWER PROVIDERS AEP Energy Harbor Constellation Dynegy Energy Eligo Energy Homefield energy MC Squared Energy Services INVESTOR OWNED UTILITIES Ameren Illinois Exelon Corp (ComEd) MidAmerican Energy Company Illinois Commerce Commission, Electricity Illinois Commerce Commission, Office of Retail Market Development Citizen’s Utility Board Illinois Power Agency ​ INFORMATION RESOURCES Plug In Illinois ​ U.S. Energy Information Administration, Illinois State Energy Profile ​ Illinois Power Agency ​ CCA-Enabling Legislation: House Bill 362 ​ Guide to Municipal Electricity Aggregation ​ ​ RECENT PRESS MC Squared Energy Services (MC2) Celebrates Earth Day 2024 With Annual Green Initiative ., April 17, 2024 Galesburg mayor: Energy aggregation saves residents millions . Tri States Public Radio, November 13, 2023 ​ Riverside sticking with 100% green power program . Riverside-Brookfield Landmark, July 3, 2023 ​ It's time to make your decision on community aggregation. Here's a few things to consider., June 20, 2023 ​ Lake Zurich making green energy option available to residents . Dailey Herald, June 1, 2023 ​ Paxton reinstating electric aggregation program ., February 22, 2023 ​ Galesburg Mayor Explains Why Most Residents Are Protected From Energy Price Hikes ., December 27, 2022 ​ Chicago’s Plan for 100 Percent Clean Municipal Electricity ., August 29, 2022 ​ Central Illinois energy rates to double, stick around for a year ., June 6, 2022 ​ Think your Ameren energy bill was high last winter? Just wait for this summer. Peoria Journal Star, April 27, 2022 ILLINOIS

  • WHAT IS CCA | LEAN Energy US

    WHAT IS CCA ( Community Choice Aggregation) ? Market Based, Flexible, Local. Aggre-what? We know—it’s a wonky name for a relatively simple concept meaning group purchasing: in this case, the purchasing of electricity. In dictionary speak, Community Choice Aggregation¹ allows local governments and some special districts to pool (or aggregate) their electricity load in order to purchase and/or develop power on behalf of the residents, businesses, and municipal accounts within their service territory² .Established by law in eleven states thus far, CCA is an energy supply model that works in partnership with the region’s existing utility, which continues to deliver power, maintain the grid, provide consolidated billing and other customer services. View More benefitting from affordable rates, local control, cleaner energy delivering energy, maintaining lines, billing customers buying and building electricity supply How Community Aggregation Works WHY DO IT? Through CCA, local governments and their constituents are achieving a powerful range of objectives: Competitive, often significantly lower, electricity rates³ Transition to a cleaner, more efficient energy supply Consumer choice, consumer protection, and local control Local jobs creation and local power resiliency Complementary energy programs such as net energy metering, energy efficiency retrofits, distributed rooftop and community solar, electric vehicle incentives and demand response technologies New renewable power development OPTIONS, OPTIONS Energy aggregation can be done on an opt-in or opt-out basis (depending on state statute), but the most common and successful programs are opt-out ⁴ . This means that customers are automatically enrolled after a successful public referendum at the local level, as in Illinois and Ohio; or, enrolled when their local elected representatives (city council or county board) vote to form or join a CCA program, as in California. The opt-in approach is voluntary but participation rates are traditionally very low which reduces the value of group purchasing and makes it harder for local programs to achieve economic viability. Opt-out aggregation achieves the necessary market scale for effective group purchasing, but allows a customer to switch back to utility service at any time. Either way, customers always have the choice. ​ Customers also enjoy several product options within a CCA’s offerings, including 100% renewable and/or carbon free power and access to a variety of complementary energy prorams. PUBLIC POWER BENEFITS WITHOUT THE INFRASTRUCTURE PRICE TAG Non-profit municipal utilities, or munis, provide highly reliable electricity supply at rates averaging 15 to 20 percent below the rates of traditional investor-owned utilities. Like munis, CCAs offer cost efficiencies, flexibility, and local control. But unlike munis, they do not face the capital-intensive and open-ended challenge of valuing, purchasing, and maintaining expensive utility infrastructure. CCA offers a “hybrid” approach that exists between the investor-owned (often monopoly) utility and a municipal (or member coop) utility. CCA reaps the benefits of controlling power supply and generation without the financial drag of purchasing and maintaining sometimes antiquated utility infrastructure. In this way, it is a great option for municipalities who want control over their power supply but don’t want the financial and operational burdens of owning their own utility. HOW DO YOU PAY FOR IT? Because CCA is revenue-based—not government subsidized—CCA programs are self-supporting from an existing revenue stream. That is, the electricity rates that consumers pay to a retail electric supplier or an investor-owned utility are bundled and redirected to support the group purchase of electricity through a local CCA program. SO WHAT HAPPENS TO THE UTILITY? In restructured (or “retail”) states, there is a defined functional separation between energy generation and energy distribution. In this scenario, the partner/distribution role of the incumbent utility is well established and retail supply competition already exists. In these states, the utility is a ready and willing partner for aggregated communities. The retail energy suppliers understand the market value of group purchasing and compete at the municipal rather than “door to door” sales level to win supply contracts. ​ In partially restructured or un-restructured states (“wholesale” markets) where utilities hold monopoly positions, the reaction to CCA has been less than supportive. After all, a CCA disrupts their monopoly control of the power supply market. It’s important to note, however, that bundled utility customers are not adversely impacted and the utilities themselves are “made whole” on departing load through a mechanism called cost recovery surcharges (or exit fees). In both models (retail and wholesale), the utility retains ownership and management of the transmission and distribution infrastructure, and all power delivery, line repair, billing, and customer service functions remain with the existing utility. 2023 CCA STUDY CCA PROGRAM VIDEOS ​ An Animated Guide to Peninsula Clean Energy What is Community Choice? The Center for Climate Protection ​ Cleaner Energy, Lower Cost: Why Community Energy The Center for Climate Protection ​ ​ HELP FUL LINKS AND DOWNLOADS ​ RMI Report: Procuring Large-Scale Renewables through Aggregation: A Guide for Local Governments . RMI, 2021 ​ Accelerating Achievement of Net Zero Goals. January 10, 2021 by Wunderlich-Malec Engineering, John Kelly author. ​ Banding Together: How Aggregation Helps Cities Buy Renewables At Scale . Clean Technica, August 18, 2021. ¹ Also called municipal aggregation and government energy aggregation in the midwest and northeast, respectively ² CCA is statutorily enabled in CA, IL, OH, MA, NH, NJ, NY, RI and VA with a handful of other states considering legislation; CCAs in CA and IL are permitted to develop power projects as well as contract for power. Some states (e.g. OH) also allow for gas aggregation. ³ Nationwide, CCA electric rate savings average between 2%-20% depending on market conditions and power resources ⁴ National average opt-out rates range from 3-8% with most programs at or below 5%

  • Rhode Island | LEAN Energy US

    RHODE ISLAND Rhode Islanders are free to choose electricity from a wide variety of competing companies. Some of these offer lower rates, while others focus on greener energy or long-term price stability as their key selling points. The state's first CCA program launched in May of 2023, with 7 communities participating. 7 communities wi th Local CCA Authorization 7 active CCA community 0 inactive CCA communities 850,000 MWh of annual load (expected: 2023) 23% statewide population participants 100,000 total c ustomer accounts 5 -year electricity supply contracts Use this interactive map to explore CCA communities across Rhode Island. Use your mouse to zoom in and click on flags for more information. HISTORY FAST FACTS As quoted from a local advocacy group, the new programs that launched in 2023 are expected to “produce a 22% increase in the amount of wind and solar in the mix” (Green Energy Consumers Alliance, 2023), spurring development of new renewable energy resources. Newport Community Energy , when launched in May, has 3 electricity options: 100 % renewable, 50% renewable and an option with only the minimum amount of renewable energy required by state law for those seeking the lowest cost. Rates will be fixed over an initial six-month period from May through November 2023. CCA PROGRAMS INFORMATION RESOURCES RI Energy Aggregation Program (REAP is the aggregation program organized by the RI League of Cities and Towns to supply electricity for municipal operations. It does not aggregate purchases for residents or businesses) ​ Green Energy Consumers Alliance's Aggregation Page RI Office of Energy Resources RI Public Utilities Commission CCA-Enabling Legislation: HB 7786 US Energy Information Administration, Rhode Island State Energy Profile Empower RI RI League of Cities and Towns INVESTOR OWNED UTILITIES Rhode Island Energy Pascoag Utility District Block Island Power Company RECENT PRESS Westerly mulls joining energy aggregation program . The Westerly Sun, March 18, 2024 City of Providence Announces Winter Rates for Providence Community Electricity Program ., September 28, 2023 Bristol Latest Municipality to Start Community Electricity Aggregation Plan ., October 16, 2023 Newport, Portsmouth announce rates through Community Electric program. What to expect., September 28, 2023 Middletown Looks to Alternate Electric Rate Plan., August 15, 2023 Community Electricity Program to start in seven Rhode Island municipalities ., March 21, 2023 ​ Amid rising energy costs, R.I. cities and towns look to buy their own electricity ., September 28, 2022 Newport is mulling a new bulk energy supplier. Here's what you need to know . The Newport Daily News, July 27, 2021 ​ Rhode Island Approves First Aggregation Plans Covering Over 80,000 Households ., May 28, 2021 CCA was enabled in Rhode Island through the Utility Restructuring Act of 1996. The Act was amended in 2002 by House Bill 7786 to give municipalities the ability to set up “opt out” programs. Before 2002, less than 1% of customers had chosen alternative electricity providers. ​ The Rhode Island League of Cities and Towns administers the RI Energy Aggregation Program (REAP ), which has served as the electricity aggregator to many League members for more than twenty years. The program has used the collective purchasing power of Rhode Island cities and towns to negotiate lower electricity rates and provide budget stability. REAP also provides other advisory services, including energy market analysis, green power procurement, energy efficiency options and solar projects. ​ The League has a joint REAP service agreement with Constellation New Energy and PowerOptions , a nonprofit consortium that provides energy purchasing, advisory and support services to New England nonprofit and public sector members. ​ CCA in Rhode Island took a major step forward with the passage of Senate bill 877 , which passed in special session September 19th, 2017, and House bill 5536 which passed June 1st 2017 . ​ This legislation was brought by Representative Deborah Ruggiero , and supported by green power advocates People’s Power & Light (a partner group with Mass Energy Consumers Alliance MECA), the Environmental Council of Rhode Island, and the New England Clean Energy Council (NECEC), a clean energy business association. This bill is described as removing procedural hurdles that previously prevented the implementation of aggregation in Rhode Island, and aligning Rhode Island’s aggregation law more closely with the law in neighboring Massachusetts, under which 136 communities now have such programs. ​ H 7786 (2002) had previously required that opt-out aggregation would require a vote by the electors of the community (see lines 14-11 through 14-15), not by the governing body of that municipality or township. H 5536 (2017) removes that roadblock to aggregation, eliminating the provision that requires individual customers to opt in to the aggregate purchase. Instead, it creates programs in which all customers in the contract area are included unless they opt out. Opting out, however, must be allowed at least every two years and without penalty. ​ Rhode Island launched it's first CCA program in May, 2023 with seven communities participating: Providence, Barrington, Central Falls, Narragansett, Newport, Portsmouth and South Kingstown. The program's automatic rate is approximately 9.4 cents per KWh for May through November. Rhode Island Energy's proposed summer rate is currently about 10.4 cents per kilowatt hour pending approval by the Public Utility Commission.


    NON-BINDING QUESTIONNAIRE FOR INTERESTED COMMUNITIES Applying for Federal Funding to prog ress Clean Energy and resilience in your community DEADLINE: December 8th, 2023 > PARTNER PROFILE First and last name Email Job Title Which local government and state do you represent? > UNDERSTANDING YOUR NEEDS Has your community ever implemented a project(s) related to sustainability? If yes, what was it? Has your community ever applied for state and/or federal funding related to sustainability? If yes, can you give more details? Can you describe recent climate-related event(s) (e.g., extreme weather, wildlife, natural disasters, etc.) that affect the electric grid in your community? Are you interested in increasing the flexibility, efficiency, and reliability of the electric power system in your community or any Smart Grid projects? If yes, what are you the most interested in? Are you interested in grid technological innovation for your community? Any particular area of interest? > PROGRAM UNDERSTANDING Have you applied for Grid Resilience and Innovation Partnership (GRIP) grants in 2022/23? If yes, what was the result? Are you familiar with the GRIP grants cost sharing requirements? Most of the grants require matching contributions. Do you have any idea or willingness to provide matching grants? Would you be interested in partnering with other local governments for a grant application? Yes No Maybe Have you ever partnered with your local utility on past projects? Would you be able to bring your local utility as a partner on new projects? Do you serve disadvantaged communities in your territory? Do you know or have you ever developed Community Benefit Plans? Please leave this page open for a few minutes after you submit your response. Send Submission Now Thanks for your submission! For any questions, please contact Claire Depit at

  • Virginia | LEAN Energy US

    VIRGINIA Community Choice Aggregation is called "Municipal Aggregation" in Virginia, which was established in 1999. Counties, cities, municipalities and other political subdivisions may establish a Municipal Aggregation for electricity service however, no programs have yet been launched. HISTORY Municipal aggregation has been allowed in Virginia since 1999, when it was introduced in the Electric Utility Restructuring Act (SB 1269). The Act added to the Code of Virginia in Title 56 section 56-589 Municipal and state aggregation, which was amended in several sessions throughout the years as follows: ​ 1999 Session; Chapter 441 . Introduces § 56-589 Municipal and State Aggregation ​ “Counties, cities and towns (hereafter “municipalities”) and other political subdivisions of the Commonwealth may, at their election and upon authorization by majority votes of their governing bodies, aggregate electrical energy and demand requirements for the purpose of negotiating the purchase of electrical energy requirements from any licensed supplier within this Commonwealth.” ​ Residential, commercial and industrial retail customers may on a voluntary, opt-in basis select the municipality or other political subdivision as its aggregator, which may not earn a profit but must recover the actual costs incurred in such aggregation. One or more municipalities may aggregate the consumption of electric energy of their governmental buildings, facilities and any other governmental operations. 2000 Session; Chapter 991 . § 56-588 – Licensing of Aggregators The aggregation of the governmental buildings, facilities and any other governmental operations of one or more municipalities does not require a license from the State Corporation Commission. ​ 2003 Session; Chapter 795 . § 56-577 – Schedule for transition to retail competition; Commission authority; exemptions; pilot programs Provides for the State Corporation Commission to develop and implement municipal aggregation pilot programs in an opt-in, opt-out or any other type of municipal aggregation. ​ 2004 Session; Chapter 827 . Introduces the possibility for an opt-out basis, eliminates the requirement that customers must opt in to select such aggregation, and eliminates the requirement that the municipality or other political subdivision may not earn a profit from the aggregation. ​ 2007 Session; Chapter 888 , Chapter 933 . The aggregation is subject to the provisions of subdivision A3 of § 56-577 . ​ Provides that one or more municipalities can aggregate the consumption of electric energy of their governmental buildings, facilities and any other governmental operations “for the purpose of negotiating rates and terms, and conditions of service from the electric utility certificated by the Commission to serve the territory in which such buildings, facilities and operations are located,” and “that no such electric energy load shall be aggregated for this purpose unless all such buildings, facilities and operations to be aggregated are served by the same electric utility.” FAST FACTS In early April, 2022, the Loudoun County finance committee approved anonymously to explore CCA. They will be taking 3-6 months to look carefully at the legal and financial aspects/issues for a pilot to launch. The home of a large concentration of data centers, commercial emissions are of great concern to the community. Many believe a CCA program in the county will enable a dramatic drop in commercial emissions. Virginia Clean Energy is working in Arlington County and Alexandria on initial outreach and education. These communities are considering a feasibility study for a multi-jurisdictional JPA. In 2004 Dominion Virginia Power (DVP) filed an application to implement a Municipal Aggregation Pilot for aggregation of residential and small business customers and a Commercial and Industrial Pilot. The pilots were limited in loads (MW) and in number of customers. In January 2004, 77,491 customers (69,317 residential, 8,104 businesses and 70 churches) volunteered to be part of a buying group selected to receive an offer from an alternative supplier as part of Dominion’s competitive bid supply service pilot, while 1,970 non residential customers volunteered to participate in the commercial and industrial pilot (201 participants were selected for this pilot). Customers could return to Dominion for the electricity supply service at any time at their current rate. The pilots were foreseen to end in July 2007. [ 1 ] INVESTOR OWNED UTILITIES Appalachian Power Dominion Virginia Power Kentucky Utilities STATE AGENCIES RECENT PRESS INFORMATION RESOURCES Virginia Department of Public Utilities CCA-Enabling Legislation: HB 1590 U.S. Energy Information Administration, Virginia State Energy Profile Virginia Clean Energy Virginia Clean Economy Act (2020) ​ ​ ​ Commercial, transportation sectors contributing most greenhouse gases in Loudoun . October 19, 2022, Loudoun County to Study Green Energy Buying Options . April 28, 2022, Fairfax County needs community choice aggregation . June 25, 2021, Fairfax County Times C licking Clean Virginia-The Dirty Energy Powering Data Center Alley ., February 13, 2019

  • New Jersey | LEAN Energy US

    NEW JERSEY In New Jersey, Community Choice Aggregation is called Government Energy Aggregation ("GEA"). Plumstead Township was the first community to launch a GEA in New Jersey in 2012, followed by Toms River, Montgomery and Monroe Townships. Due to regulatory barriers, up until mid-2024, only one GEA program was active in New Jersey, whereas at least 131 communities have enabled GEA local law. Favorable bids for energy procurement in the summer has spurred several communities to plan re-launches in September 2024. 131 communities with Local CCA Authorization 1 active CCA community 130 inactive CCA communities 534,000 MWh of annual load (2022) <1% statewide population participants 33,000 total c ustomer accounts 3 to 24 -month electricity supply contracts Use this interactive map to explore CCA communities across New Jersey. Use your mouse to zoom in and click on flags for more information. HISTORY Community Choice in the Garden State came into being in 1999 as part of the electricity deregulation movement. It was followed by a more specific Government Energy Aggregation Act in 2003, but an opt-in requirement and cost cap stymied the growth of GEAs. Subsequent legislation removed these barriers and the first GEA programs launched in 2012. ​ New Jersey’s experiment with opt-in aggregation demonstrated that CCAs really need to be designed as opt-out programs in order to succeed. Only with the automatic enrollment of all customers, except those who opt out, can a CCA reach the critical mass necessary to attract suppliers and succeed as a business. ​ Despite the rise of interest in GEA programs in the past years, the New Jersey GEA market is currently facing major challenges. Current market specialists note that they are unable to compete with the Price to Compare (“PTC”) rates. The Board of Public Utilities (“BPU”) requires GEA rates be lower than the PTC rate, unless the GEA rate includes more than 24.5% of class I and II renewable energy sources (a.k.a. the New Jersey minimum renewable energy requirement for 2022 and 2023), as per N.J.A.C 14:4-6.9. While this requirement may be seen as protective of customers, New Jersey regulators have unfortunately established a formula to calculate the PTC that, currently, GEAs are unable to compete with. ​ GEA consultants and advocacy groups have been working for many years to change the PTC formula as it is not reflective of the current market. Many New Jersey communities are waiting for the hedges to roll off in the next few years for competitors to join the market again and start a GEA program. According to the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities, 4 million electric customers are eligible for GEA in 2023 (NJBPU, 2023). ​ By law, CCA energy contracts in New Jersey cannot be longer than 24 months. GEA programs may offer REC opt-up options as part of their electricity supply contracts. The only active GEA community, the city of Hoboken, offers three types of product offerings: Standard offering: state minimum renewable energy requirement (24.5%) + 10% renewable energy sources Basic offering: state minimum renewable energy requirement (24.5%) 100% Green offering: 100% renewable energy sources FAST FACTS New Jersey's PTC (Price to Compare) formula, which active GEA programs need to to be lower than, equals the average standard utility rate from the past three energy auctions –there is one energy auction per year. Currently, GEAs that offer a standard rate without enhanced renewable content, cannot compete with the PTC rate since the 2021 utility rates were much lower at the time and yet are still considered in the current PTC formula. New aggregation programs are initiated by majority vote of the municipality’s elected body and must be approved by the Board of Public Utilities . ​ New Jersey allows automatic enrollment of residential customers, but it still requires commercial and municipal accounts to opt-in during a specified period. CCA (a.k.a. GEA) PROGRAMS STATE RESOURCES RECENT PRESS ​ New Jersey Aggregation (NJ AGG) The Hunterdon Area Energy Cooperative (HAEC) Teaneck Community Energy Aggregation (TCEA) Sustainable Essex Alliance Energy Procurement Cooperative (“SEAEPC”) Colts Neck Community Energy Aggregation Hamilton Commun ity Energy Aggregation Lacey Community Energy Aggregation Manchester Community E nergy Aggregation Old Bridge Community Energy Agg regation Plainsboro Community Energy A ggregation West Amwell Community Energy Aggregation West Orange Community Energ y Aggregation Montgomery Community Energy Aggregation (MCEA) Princeton Com munity Renewable Energy (PCRE) Piscataway CEA Bloomfield Community Energy Aggregation Gloucester/Somerdale Government Energy Aggregation Winslow Energy Aggregation Progr am Howell Energy Aggregation Program Margate Energy Aggr egation Program Franklin Energy Aggregation Program Andover Energy Aggregation Program Hardyson Energy Aggregation Program Little Falls Energy Aggregation Program The Morris Area Energy Cooperative (MA EC) ACES – Alliance for Competitive Energy Services (Purchases electricity and natural gas for 430 NJ school districts) Board of Public Utilities (BPU) CCA-Enabling Legislation: AB 2165 State of New Jersey "NJ Power Switch" NJ Government Energy Aggregation - Program Summary ​ INFORMATION RESOURCES U.S. Energy Information Administration, New Jersey State Energy Profile New Jersey Clean Ene rgy Program Food and Water Watch Sustainable Jersey INVESTOR OWNED UTILITIES SWAEC Relaunches in September with New Rates—Find Out How You Can Cut Costs or Walk Away Without Penalties . TAPinto Phillipsburg, August 17, 2024 ​ No New Deal For Energy Aggregation Program . Jersey Shore Online, April 16, 2024 Haverhill Residents Not Receiving Discounted Electric Rate Have Another Chance to Enroll ., January 16, 2023 ​ N.J. shakes up offshore wind industry with historic $1B plan ., October 27, 2022 ​ Old Bridge voters to decide fate of clean energy program ., October 26, 2022 ​ Mayor Kramer Promotes 'Two Environmentally Friendly Energy Programs ., October 3, 2022 ​ As SOMA Returns to PSE&G for Electricity, Town Leaders Work to Find Cheaper Options . Village Green NJ, September 12, 2022 ​ Morris Township Moves To Lower Energy Costs by Exploring Energy Aggregation & Natural Gas . Morristown Minute, September 4, 2022 ​ South Orange & Maplewood Electric Bills Likely to Rise as Towns Return to PSE&G as Supplier . The Village Green, August 29, 2022 ​ New pilot program will help residents save money and protect the environment . Essex News Daily, March 13, 2022 ​ ​ ​ Atlantic Electric Company Jersey Central Power & Light Public Service Electricity & Gas Rockland Electric Company

  • Maryland | LEAN Energy US

    In April, 2021, the Maryland General Assembly passed House Bill 768 —Montgomery County Community Choice Energy Pilot Program, that gives Montgomery County the authority to implement an opt-out Community Choice Energy program. HISTORY In March, 2020, the Maryland House of Delegates passed HB 561 that requires state agencies to draft rules allowing local communities to negotiate directly with energy utilities to set strong renewable energy goals and lower electricity rates. The COVID pandemic forced the General Assembly to end its session early. ​ Maryland lawmakers passed HB 768 in April, 2021 that allows a community choice energy pilot program in Montgomery County. Since the bill passed, the County has been developing an implementation plan and is participating in a Public Service Commission workgroup that will develop the regulatory framework for the pilot. The working group comprised of county staff, retail suppliers, climate action groups, apartment and building associations and consultants has been set up to draft legislation and develop regulations that would govern the program. With many varied viewpoints and priorities at the table, it has been a challenging process, but they are making progress. Consultants involved with the program launch are assisting with regulation development, educating elected officials, power mix options and pricing. Currently, work is being done on finalizing regulations for the program, with rulemaking sessions scheduled with the Public Service Commission this summer. There continues to be some differences between the views of the County and Commission staff regarding how the program should operate and the role the Commission plays in oversight. In addition, they are wrestling with questions about how Standard Offer Service electricity would be procured in the County following the launch of the CCA, which is complicated by the fact the County is served by three different utilities. INVESTOR OWNED UTILITIES INFORMATION RESOURCES Baltimore Gas and Electric (BGE) Potomac Electric Power Company (PEPCO) Delmarva Power Potomac Edison Company Southern Maryland Electric Cooperative, Inc. (SMECO) Choptank Electric Cooperative ​ ​ State of Maryland Office of People's Counsel Testimony: HB 768 Endorsement . March 23, 2021 ​ CCA-Enabling Legislation: HB 768 ​ ​ ​ RECENT PRESS STATE AGENCIES ​ Cities are banding together to buy renewables at scale . September 2, 2021, GreenBiz ​ Maryland's First Community Choice Energy Legislation Becomes Law . June 1, 2021, Food and Water Watch ​ Maryland General Assembly Passes Community Choice Energy Pilot Program Enabling Montgomery County Residents More Affordable and Equitable Access to Renewable Energy. April 15, 2021, Montgomery County, MD press release ​ Tom Hucker: Allow Maryland Communities to Expand Clean Power. February 16, 2021, Maryland Matters MARYLAND

  • New York | LEAN Energy US

    NEW YORK New York has one of the most ambitious renewable energy visions of any state. Several years after the establishment of New York’s first CCA, Westchester Power is doing well and continuing to grow. As of January, 2023, hundreds municipalities have launched or are pursuing CCAs to achieve local energy goals. 158 communities wi th Local CCA Authorization 101 active CCA community 57 inactive CCA communities 1,519,000 MWh of annual load (2022) 5% statewide population participants 352,000 total c ustomer accounts 1.5 to 3 -year electricity supply contracts Use this interactive map to explore CCA communities across New York. Use your mouse to zoom in and click on flags for more information. HISTORY In 2014 New York State began a series of reforms that are referred to as Reforming the Energy Vision (REV). These programs are designed to benefit both the environment and the state’s economy by creating many small, local, clean power plants throughout New York and increasing the benefits of retail price competition for residential and business customers. The Order Instituting Proceeding and Soliciting Comments about CCAs was issued on December 15, 2014. ​ In February, 2015 the New York Public Service Commission approved the plans for creating the state’s first CCA, Westchester Power , to serve communities in Westchester County, a well-to-do region north of New York City. The Public Service Commission also laid down the ground rules for future CCAs in New York on April 21, 2016 when it issued an “Order Authorizing Framework for Community Choice Aggregation Opt-Out Program.” The order encourages formation of CCAs by individual cities, towns and villages or by groups of those municipalities. However, it forbids Counties from forming CCAs. In New York, a concept called “home rule” gives cities, towns and villages a kind of sovereignty that does not allow counties to make decisions that bind municipalities. ​ On Oct. 13, 2016 the PSC took steps to make it easier for communities to form CCAs by modifying its April 21, 2016 decision in Case 14-M-0224. The order requires greater sharing of customer information between incumbent utilities and CCAs and allows gradual roll-out of CCAs in large cities rather than requiring all residents and small businesses to be enrolled at the same time. This provision for gradual roll-out in New York was a huge win for CCAs in the state. Several New York City Community Boards, which are advisory groups with real power on local issues, are currently investigating forming community-scale CCAs within New York City. ​ One unique feature of the New York electricity market is that IOUs are not allowed to offer stable electricity prices. Generation charges fluctuate monthly, and can range from as low as 3 cents/kWh to 15 cents/kWh. CCAs, on the other hand, can offer stable prices and can guarantee those rates for one or more years, depending on the duration of the supply contract they enter into. ​ 2022 was a good year for CCA participants in the state. Each customer participating in a CCA program in New York has saved up to $180 in 2022, for a total of $25 million saved with CCA that year. As shown in the graph below, average CCA rates in New York have remained more stable and affordable than the utilities’ rates. FAST FACTS In 2022, 75% of the total energy served by CCA communities was renewable. Despite serving less than 5% of New York State’s population, in 2021, CCAs accounted for more than 30% of New York renewable electricity voluntarily purchased. New York CCAs buy their renewable power in-state only, as it is a requirement to qualify as “renewable energy.” CCA communities use NYS RECs registered through the New York Generation Attribute Tracking System (“NYGATS”). Most New York CCA programs have used 100% NYS hydropower RECs registered through NYGATS allowing CCA communities to avoid 1,300,000 metric tons (“MT”) of CO2 since 2016 New York’s regulations make CCAs “opt out” for residences and small businesses, but “opt in” for large businesses and industrial accounts. They emphasize local renewables and distributed energy resources (DER), which are cornerstones of the Renewable Energy Vision. Since its launch in May, 2016, Westchester Power has grown to 29 communities accounting for 145,000 Westchester electric customers, representing 40% of the county residents. ​ Joule Community Power 's first program launched in 2019 and now serves 56 communities /800,000 customers with $18 million in electricity cost savings in 2022. New initiatives include an Energy Storage for Social Equity project in Rochester and a Community Solar project in Southampton. ​ ​ Municipal Electric & Gas Alliance (MEGA) presently serves more than 30 county governments and more than 250 municipalities, including many school districts. CCA PROGRAMS INFORMATION RESOURCES Finger Lakes Community Choice Rochester Community Power Monroe Community Power Gateway Community Power Rockland Community Power Hudson Valley Community Power Westchester Power Capital Region Aggregation Southern Tier Aggregation Clinton County Community Choice Penfield Community Choice Aggregation Greene County Choice Wesley Hills Choice Kingston Community Choice Aggregation ​ CCA-Enabling Legislation: Governor’s Press Release NY Department of Public Service CCA Proceeding Page NYSERDA CCA Toolkit NY Public Ser vice Commission US Energy Information Administration, New York State Energy Profile NYSERDA resource page for CCAs Communities for Local Power Joule Assets Reforming the Energy Vision Opt-Out CDG Coalition INVESTOR OWNED UTILITIES Central Hudson ConEd Long Island Power Authority National Grid/Niagara Mohawk NYSEG Orange and Rockland Rochester Gas and Electric RECENT PRESS 12 mid-Hudson towns aggregated energy-buying power. Here’s how it works. Times Union, June 12, 2023 ​ Energy Collective to Relaunch, Without Beacon . The Highlands Current, March 17, 2023 ​ Rochester to start electricity aggregation program ., January 13, 2023 ​ Kingston launches green energy pooling plan ., October 26, 2022 ​ A quest for cleaner energy: Community Choice Aggregation Program in Rochester ., August 16, 2022 ​ 23,000 community choice aggregation customers sent back to Central Hudson ., August 5, 2022 ​ CCA program comes to a premature end…for now ., August 1, 2022 ​ Brighton renewable power program on pause after contractor defaults ., July 13, 2022 ​ Henrietta and Rush are eyeing renewable power for residents and businesses., May 24, 2022 ​ Yonkers Announces 100% Renewable Energy Supply Program for Residents . Yonkers Times, January 9, 2022

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